8 tips to find out if you should hire a digital strategy consultancy


We strongly believe digitalization is the main driver in any successful business.

However, many companies do not yet properly dedicate themselves to digitalization, for various reasons. They might be short on staff, lacking knowledge and skills, or missing a business plan, in that case a digital strategy consultancy make sense.


8 points why you need a digital strategy consultancy

That’s why hiring a digital strategy consultancy can elevate your brand to new levels but the real question is, when is the right time to hire one? There are various ways that digital strategy consultancy like GANDT Ventures can help, so if your company fits into any of the eight criteria below, why not give us a try!


  1. When Your Ideas Aren’t Working

Sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective on your company’s strategy. When your old ideas aren’t working anymore, it might be time to hire a digital strategy consultancy who can provide you with a different outlook. With their experience, paired with the work they do with other companies, they can provide you with those new digital trends that can help your company move forward again.


  1. When You Need Help Creating a Digital Strategy – or Anything Digital

Doing digital work when you aren’t used to it can be really hard and sometimes all you need is a push in the right direction to get started. The great thing about digital consultancies is that they can help you not only with creating an effective digital strategy, but they can help you with other digital needs as well, from industry knowledge to hands-on tools: they’ve got you covered.


  1. When Your Team Doesn’t Have the Same Skill Set

If you want to move online and create a strong digital strategy, your team may not have the appropriate skill set and that’s totally okay! A digital consultancy specializes in these skills to solve problems faster, plan more efficiently, do business better, and utilize the tools directly to create the right digital strategy for your business.


  1. When You Don’t Have Enough Time

A lot of the time, your focus and the team’s focus is needed elsewhere and you end up not having enough time to deal with your digital strategy. In that case, hiring a consultancy is perfect for dealing with the problems you don’t have the time to deal with. Moreover, they can and will help keep your company focused on what they focus on digital operations.


  1. When You Need Analytics

By being able to properly handle important analytical data like ROI (return on investment), consultancies are able to give your business the right tactics and strategies. By analyzing different digital aspects of your company, they can back up their strategies with evidence, making sure you understand where they are coming from – with total transparency.


  1. When You Have No Clear Goal

Not having clear goals for the future is a problem that plagues many companies. Sometimes all it takes is a consultancy to help you find what exactly you want your brand to accomplish. Whether that’s changing your old digital strategy to a new one, or simply starting to move your business online, hiring a consultancy can help you navigate the difficulties of the internet.


  1. When You Need Results Fast

To put it simply, digital consultancies are trained professionals. Once you hire them, there is no need for a training period. They can get straight to work, meaning that results will happen faster. They can solve problems faster, find the right tools faster, and equip you with an effective plan faster. They have the know-how, all you need to do is hire them.


  1. When You Need to Expand Your Reach

One of the best things about hiring an outside consultancy is that they can expand your business to reach new clients and new markets. Since they work with many different companies, they have experience across different industries, and can therefore offer you insight into launching your brand for new target audiences.


Co-Authored by Quinn Donovan

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