GANDT Educational Services

Post by Sharon Livain

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where the online world is the cornerstone of success, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses and marketers to thrive and drive impactful results. That’s why GANDT is thrilled to introduce our new educational services, designed to equip you with the necessary marketing knowledge to ensure your long-term success.

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Our team takes part in our Educational Services

What are our educational services?

Our educational services comprise four meticulously crafted programs designed to provide businesses and marketers with fundamental and advanced marketing knowledge to improve their professional performance. We have compiled a selection of courses that will enrich and expand your skills, from dynamic SEO, social media and branding strategies to mastering the art of Google Ads, AI & Prompting or UX & Product, our courses are designed to engage, educate and make you self-sufficient in your marketing journey.


”The goal is to share expertise and offer you and your team members a training program tailored to your individual and businesses needs” – Remco Livain, CEO GANDT

Explore our 4 marketing programs

Our programs are designed for businesses and companies seeking to enhance their team’s marketing skills, as well as professional marketers who want to deepen their knowledge and expertise in the field.

We offer four different programs to meet your specific needs:

Coach Bonny teaching an Educational Services / Bildungsdienstleistungen Course on Google Ads

Fundamental digital marketing program

You can start your learning journey with our comprehensive Fundamental Digital Marketing Program. This program lays a solid foundation and provides a holistic understanding of marketing strategies and tools, empowering you with the essential skills and knowledge required to thrive in the digital landscape, enhance your performance in your daily tasks and progress professionally.

This program is ideal for businesses looking to improve their team’s marketing skills or individuals at the beginning of their marketing careers, as well as those seasoned marketers who want to refresh their knowledge.

Participant actively listens to the coach during a Educational Servicescourse

Advanced digital marketing courses

Tailored for seasoned marketers seeking to refine their expertise or companies aiming to cultivate marketing proficiency, our Advanced Digital Marketing Program is an intensive and specialized course designed to elevate your skills to the next level.

You will be able to learn further about advanced strategies, techniques and tools, empowering you or your team to navigate complex marketing challenges and drive impactful results, from sophisticated campaign optimization techniques to maximize ROI, precise targeting or cutting-edge analytics strategies to make data-driven decisions.

A participant in self-study for our Bildungsdienstleistungen(DE)

Degree courses

Our degree course program provides an ideal option for those keen on mastering a specific aspect of digital marketing with a focused approach. With the freedom to enroll in individual courses, you have the opportunity to delve deeper into your chosen area of expertise to achieve the results you need.

For example, a degree course would consist of our Marketing Intelligence I course followed by Marketing Intelligence II. This program is available for all courses except SEO.

Our coach during the gandt educational services branding course

Full package

Enroll in both the Fundamental and Advanced programs to ensure a comprehensive and thorough learning journey. This package guarantees a complete understanding and the knowledge required to excel in digital marketing and achieve your career goals.

After completing the Fundamental Digital Marketing Program, it is strongly recommended to solidify acquired skills and knowledge through practical application in your professional role for several months before progressing to the advanced program.

Highlights of our educational services

Mentorship program

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Enrolling in our courses grants you access to our invaluable mentorship program, where you’ll be matched with a committed mentor to guide you personally throughout your learning experience. Whether you need clarification on concepts, feedback on assignments or advice on your own personal workplace challenges, our mentors are available via Slack, email and scheduled calls to help.

Moreover, participants are encouraged to bring work-related tasks or problems to the course to discuss with their mentor. This tailored support and direct collaboration ensures each participant receives the assistance they need to improve, apply the learnings to their daily job and enhance their overall performance.

Hands-on approach

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Our coaches are experienced digital marketing professionals who are actively working in the field and can provide you with real-life information and up-to-date expertise. This approach ensures participants acquire practical insights and skills directly relevant to their professional work.

In addition, participants will have access to self-study options and homework assignments to further reinforce learning outside of the course sessions.

Certificate upon competition

After successfully completing the program, you will receive a certificate recognizing your achievement and expertise in digital marketing.

All in all, our educational services provide you with the opportunity to gain access to expert-led programs and courses, personalized mentorship and hands-on learning experiences to enhance your overall marketing knowledge and performance.

Find out more about our Educational Services on the website.
Contact us any time, we're happy to hear from you!