Mobile Commerce, are you ready for it?


Apple’s recent announcement that it is preparing to bring one-touch shopping to the mobile web points to a major milestone in mobile commerce.

Brands are moving past mobile hype and towards delivering options that customers want.

While the US tech giant had already launched Apple Pay for in-app purchases on iOS mobile apps and physical stores last year, this move will make mobile shopping even easier.

It enables consumers who shop online using an iPhone or iPad Safari browser to make a purchase at the push of a button with Apple Pay and TouchID.

It points to a world where consumers can shop from wherever they are without the frustration of filling out fiddly forms on a phone or having to wait for lengthy security checks processed over slow network connections.’ Econsultancy


Are you prepared for mobile commerce?

We see that a lot of startups as well as SMBs are still struggling with the fact that mobile is an entirely different ballgame from traditional desktop based ecommerce. Although screen sizes have increased in recent years, products that require mass customisation or alterations are not that easy to bring to a mobile screen.

Simple UX-Design and clean interfaces guide the user through your product and it is of the utmost importance that the user does not need to start to search for the options on his tiny little screen. Responsive design and bootstrapping your website might be a good way to start, but it is surely not the final solution to your users problems.


TV and other Offline Marketing Channels Challenges

What many marketeers tend to underestimate when running TV and other offline marketing efforts is that many more users will use their phones to have a quick peak at your offering than on any other regular online marketing campaign.


TV and offline marketing efforts exponentially trigger mobile traffic to your site

TV-Traffic generally triggers at least two thirds direct (landing page) traffic from mobile devices as well as tablet devices. This means that your offer needs to be prominently featured on a small screen as well and can certainly not be below the fold. The conversion uplift of using separate mobile landing pages for TV-Campaigns can easily run into the double digits.


Tackling the mobile commerce challenge

We have developed a simple, yet effective method of tapping into mobile traffic best. It involves a lot of test and targeting, loads of reg/sales page optimisation and landing page tweaking, but it is surely worth it.

Before starting a full website make-over and relaunch, we always advise our partners and startups to first start lean and tap into the possibilities that straight-forward front-end testing can bring you. With the data that you will collect from the A/B (or Multivariate) Tests, you will be able to judge well what the impact would be of doing a full mobile relaunch.

Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to find out more about out approach, need help developing your mobile digital products, landing pages, and or UX-Design.

Services that we offer

  • Mobile ecommerce strategy development
  • Native Apps (Conceptualisation, Design, Usability, iPhone/iPad /Android, Q&A, Support- and Release Management)
  • Mobile Websites (Conceptualisation, Design, Usability, Development, Q&A, Support- and Release Management)
  • A/B and multivariate testing setup, support and strategy development
  • Mobile business case analysis (what would a product relaunch potential bring us?)
Simply book a free appointment to continue the conversation, and ask us questions about your business.