“Improving creatives can boost performance. Use these bite-sized, data-backed best practices to help drive better outcomes across Facebook platforms.”
In marketing, we understand that a little can go a long way, the devil is in the details, and that’s why proper execution matters.
Last week, Facebook launched what it’s calling ‘Creative Guidance Navigator‘—essentially a mini-site of various ad tips and notes that can help make your ads more engaging and generally improve your ad creation approach.
Filters help you find tips relevant to your niche
Employing a relatively intuitive and straightforward structure, the mini-site is designed to help you locate useful information quickly. The main listing displays a range of Facebook ad tips, one-by-one, with a ‘Load more’ prompt at the bottom to generate more examples of relevance.
They’ve also set up the interface so that you can easily filter the display by ad format, industry, region and more to get specific creative notes of relevance to your brand niche. You can also download each visual for sharing and re-use, expanding the particular point into a larger graphic.
Tips on everything from building intimacy to the value of mixed and static assets
In an advertising climate increasingly fueled by data, reporting, and AI—it can be easy to forget about some of the standard best practices that have always helped make content engaging. The Creative Guidance Navigator serves as a very helpful repository of many tried and tested tips that simply may have been overlooked when you were looking for strategies to generate top creatives.
For example, if you want to boost audience engagement with your brand, Facebook advises how to build a sense of intimacy in in-stream ads:
“Using eye contact and tight cropping on your main characters can leverage the familiarity that audiences expect from in-stream content and can maximize the impact of your ads. In lab studies, we discovered that a sense of intimacy increased ad recall by 28%, brand interest by 28%, and purchase intent by 25%.”
Likewise, if your main focus is driving conversions, the Creative Guidance Navigator reminds you that mixing static and video assets in your creatives is vital:
“Mixing static and video assets can ensure that your campaigns resonate with your audience in multiple ways. We found that in seven out of ten lift studies, video-only or video plus static campaigns outperformed static-only campaigns in driving conversion lift.”
Straightforward tips that take you back to the basics
Ultimately, this isn’t a complicated resource functionally, but it definitely offers plenty of information that can help you refine and optimize your Facebook ad process. Whether used as a learning tool for junior team members or a quick refresher for seasoned creatives, everyone is bound to find a trick or two that can get them thinking in new ways about how to get the most out of your Facebook ad campaigns.
Optimization matters more than ever and Creative Guidance Navigator can help
And the fact of the matter is that now is a good time for everyone to try out new processes and tricks for optimization. With the impacts of Apple’s privacy update being felt across the Facebook ads ecosystem, everyone— but smaller advertisers in particular—need to be on the lookout for ways to up their game.
As stated at the top—details can make a significant difference. So whether you’re already running Facebook ads, or considering starting a campaign, it is undoubtedly worth setting some time aside to scan the Creative Guidance Navigator to see what applies to you.
You can find some other tips for improving your Facebook presence here. Likewise, if you’d like to stay up to date on current social media trends and growth marketing hacks, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest digital marketing news.